Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Busy Week Ahead

This morning I sat down with Bwana Minyade, the teacher in-charge of gardening (and my saving grace because I know nothing about gardening/farming) to plan the upcoming week. We will go into town tomorrow to buy the tools and materials needed to start the garden. Over the weekend, some of the children from RODI (Resource Oriented Development Initiative) will plow the land to remove the excess grass and weeds from the area. Napier grass seeds will be delivered this weekend as well. On Monday we will set aside time to start digging holes to plant those seeds. On Tuesday we will get them in the ground. I am really looking forward to Wednesday, when Minyade and I will go to the market to purchase our first batch of seeds and seedlings of the veggies we want to grow. We will spend the next several days teaching the students proper techniques for planting and getting the garden started!

We had our second meeting with the whole group of students today. We went over understanding the commitment of starting a garden, from preparation to planting, and maintenance to harvesting. They are energetic and cannot wait to be involved. Unfortunately, once again, the rains kept us from taking the children to the land and sharing with them our vision for it. However, I am working with a wonderful group of students and I trust they will care for this garden properly and make that vision come alive.

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